Workshop: Increasing the Openness and Reproducibility of Your Research

Increasing the Openness and Reproducibility of Your Research
- Friday, March 3, 2017
- 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
- Yale Center for Research Computing Auditorium
- (Registration required.)
There are many actions researchers can take to increase the openness and reproducibility of their work. Please join us for a workshop from the Center for Open Science to learn easy, practical steps that increase research reproducibility. Participants will gain a foundation for incorporating reproducible, transparent practices into their current workflows.
Using example studies, attendees will actively participate in creating a reproducible project from start to finish. Topics covered include: project documentation, version control, pre-analysis plans, and open source tools like the Open Science Framework that allow researchers to implement these concepts in a scientific workflow.
This workshop is aimed at researchers across disciplines who are engaged in quantitative research and does not require any specialized knowledge of programming. The workshop will be hands-on; attendees will need to bring their own laptops in order to fully participate.
This workshop builds on the theme of the 2016 Yale Day of Data, which focused on data reproducibility. Space is limited, and coffee will be provided.
Registration closes at noon on 20 February.
The workshop will be given by Courtney Soderberg, the Statistical and Methodological Consultant at the Center for Open Science (COS), where she directs training programs for reproducible research methods. Soderberg received her Ph.D. in Experimental Social Psychology with a minor in Quantitative Psychology at UC Davis.
This event is sponsored by the Yale University Library’s Center for Science and Social Science Information and the Yale Center for Research Computing.