Chevron and Ecuador Decisions and Awards

Teresa Miguel-Stearns

Lago Agrio

A series of decisions and awards have been released in recent months dealing with the astronomical judgment against Chevron in Ecuador.  According to the Second Circuit, “The story of the conflict between Chevron and residents of Lago Agrio region of the Ecuadorian Amazon must be among the most extensively told in the history of the American federal judiciary.” 

There are plenty of places to research the factual, legal and procedural issues surrounding the pollution controversy aside from the traditional resources of caselaw and legal periodicals.  First is the film Crude, the documentary by Joe Berlinger.  Controversy surrounding the film itself has played out in the courtroom, with the Second Circuit having ruled that Mr. Berlinger was required to turn over unused footage to Chevron that may have been useful in its case in Ecuador.

Other resources include our subscriptions to investment and arbitration publications such as Global Arbitration Review, Investment Arbitration Reporter, and Transnational Dispute Management


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