Alumni Library Access

Physical Resources Access

The Yale Law School is only accessible to individuals with a currently valid Yale ID. The library's sole entrance is from within the law school so this same restriction effectively applies to the library. 

Yale law alumni with currently valid Yale IDs are welcome to make use of the law library's physical collections and space during posted building hours. Borrowing privileges must be set up through a Yale University Libraries account. Yale University Libraries also offers library access and services depending on the account option chosen.  

Online Resources Access

Online resource access is more limited. A resource list for freely accessible United States legal research resources may be found at the bottom of the page. 

Alumni are further welcome to contact the Reference Desk at  


For recent graduates, Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg typically offer extended access to their platforms. The exact process to maintain access as well as duration can vary between databases. Please visit our Summer Access page for details. 

JSTOR and HeinOnline

Yale Law graduates have access to JSTOR and HeinOnline's Law Journal Library through the Yale Alumni Association. Registration through the alumni association is required. 

Other Electronic Resources

Access to most other Yale Law Library and Yale University Libraries electronic and online resources is contractually limited to faculty, staff, and students.

The Yale Alumni Association offers numerous online educational resources

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