Reading Room

Recent Faculty Scholarship


Ian Ayres
Shorting Your Rivals: Negative Ownership as an Antitrust Remedy
Ian Ayres, et al., Shorting Your Rivals: Negative Ownership as an Antitrust Remedy, 86 Antitrust Law Journal 317 (2024).

Justin Driver
The Coming Crisis of Student Speech
Justin Driver, The coming crisis of student speech, 76 STAN. L. REV. 1511 (2024).

William Eskridge
McMarriage Equality
William N Eskridge Jr, McMarriage Equality, 56 U. PAC. L. REV. 1 (2024).

Abbe R. Gluck
Situating Braidwood in Broader Conversations About Health Policy and Administrative Law*
Abbe R Gluck, Situating Braidwood in Broader Conversations About Health Policy and Administrative Law, 50 American Journal of Law & Medicine 1 (2024).

Amy Kapczynski
Administering a Democratic Industrial Policy
Amy Kapczynski & Joel Michaels, Administering a democratic industrial policy, 18 HARV. L. & POL'Y REV. 279 (2023).

Tracey L. Meares
Principles for just and rational policing
Amy Kapczynski & Joel Michaels, Administering a democratic industrial policy, 18 HARV. L. & POL'Y REV. 279 (2023).

Carol M. Rose
Commodity's Propriety
Carol M Rose, Commodity's Propriety, 13 Brigham-Kanner Prop. Rts. Conf. Journal 35 (2024).


Jack M. Balkin
Rabbi Akiva and the Crowns: A Parable of Constitutional Fidelity
Jack M Balkin, Rabbi Akiva and the Crowns: A Parable of Constitutional Fidelity, Boston University Law Review 1321 (2024).

Lea Brilmayer
Abortion, Full Faith and Credit, and the" Judicial Power" Under Article III: Does Article IV of the US Constitution Require Sister-State Enforcement of Anti-Abortion Damages Awards?
Lea Brilmayer, Abortion, Full Faith and Credit, and the" Judicial Power" Under Article III: Does Article IV of the US Constitution Require Sister-State Enforcement of Anti-Abortion Damages Awards?, 44 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 441 (2024).

"Arbitrary and Fortuitous"? The Revival of Territorialism in American Choice of Law
Lea Brilmayer & Fred Halbhuber, "Arbitrary and Fortuitous"? The Revival of Territorialism in American Choice of Law, 61 San Diego L. REV. 559 (2024).

Jonathan R. Macey
Introduction to Yale Journal on Regulation Symposium on Financial Regulation
Jonathan R Macey, Introduction to Yale Journal on Regulation Symposium on Financial Regulation, 41 Yale Journal on Regulation 833 (2024).

Samuel Moyn
Reconstructing Critical Legal Studies
Samuel Moyn, Reconstructing Critical Legal Studies, 134 Yale Law Journal 77 (2024).

Marisol Orihuela
The Lawyer's Quandary: Client-Centered Lawyering in the Treatment Paradigm
Marisol Orihuela, The Lawyer's Quandary: Client-Centered Lawyering in the Treatment Paradigm, 102 NCL REV. 1655 (2023).

Paul W. Kahn
The Multicultural State: Progress or Tragedy?
Paul W Kahn, The Multicultural State: Progress or Tragedy?, Rechtsgeschichte–Legal History 300 (2024).

Douglas NeJaime 
Douglas NeJaime, Multiparenthood, 99 New York University Law Review 1242 (2024).

Judith Resnik
Lawyerless litigants, filing fees, transaction costs, and the federal courts: Learning from scales
Judith Resnik, et al., Lawyerless litigants, filing fees, transaction costs, and the federal courts: Learning from scales, 119 Northwestern University Law Review 109 (2024).

Sarath Sanga
The SCALES project: Making federal court records free 
Sarath Sanga et al., The SCALES project: Making federal court records free, 119 Northwestern University Law Review 23 (2024).

Guido Calabresi
The Promise and Peril of "Law and..."
Guido Calabresi, The Promise and Peril of "Law and..."., 124 Columbia Law Review 1269 (2024).

Oona Hathaway
International Law goes to War in Ukraine.
Oona Hathaway, International Law goes to War in Ukraine., 38 Emory International Law Review 569 (2024).

Major Questions about International Agreements.
Oona Hathaway, Major Questions About International Agreements.. 172 University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 1845 (2024).

Harold Hongju Koh
On Academic Lawyers in the U.S. Government: Walter's Wisdom
Harold Hongju Koh, On Academic Lawyers in the U.S. Government: Walter's Wisdom., 102 North Carolina Law Review 1321 (2024).

Nicholas R. Parrillo
Foreign Affairs, Nondelegation, and Original Meaning: Congress's Delegation of Power to Lay Embargoes in 1794.
Nicholas R. Parrillo, Foreign Affairs, Nondelegation, and Original Meaning: Congress's Delegation of Power to Lay Embargoes in 1794., 172 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1803 (2024)

Lauren Benton
Interpolity Law and Jurisdictional Politics
Lauren Benton & Adam Clulow, Interpolity Law and Jurisdictional Politics, 42 Law and History Review 197 (2024).

Fiona Doherty
The Ordeal of the “Dirty Urine”*
Fiona Doherty, The Ordeal of the “Dirty Urine”, 36 Federal Sentencing Reporter 197 (2024).

Justin Driver
The Cure as Disease: The Conservative Case against SFFA v. Harvard*
Justin Driver, The Cure as Disease: The Conservative Case against SFFA v. Harvard, 2023 The Supreme Court Review 1 (2024).

The Strange Career of Antisubordination
Justin Driver, The strange career of antisubordination, 91 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW REVIEW 651 (2024).

In Praise of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor
Justin Driver, In Praise of Justice Sandra Day O’Conner, 137 Harvard Law Review 1801(2024).

The Education Justice
Justin Driver, The Education Justice, 133 YALE LJ 2530 (2023).

Oona Hathaway
War Reparations: The Case for Countermeasures
Oona A Hathaway, et al., War reparations: The case for countermeasures, 76 STAN. L. REV. 971 (2024).

A New Tool for Enforcing Human Rights: Erga Omnes Partes Standing
Oona Hathaway, et al., A New Tool for Enforcing Human Rights: Erga Omnes Partes Standing, 62 COLUM. J. TRANSNAT'L L. 259 (2023).

Yair Listokin
Excuse 2.0
Yair Listokin et. al., Excuse 2.0, 109 Cornell Law Review 629 (2024).

Jonathan R. Macey
Social Norms and Insider Trading
Jonathan R. Macey, J.R. Social Norms and Insider Trading, 5 Michigan State Law Review, 1091 (2023).

Beyond the Personal Benefit Test: The Economics of Tipping by Insiders
Jonathan R Macey, Beyond the personal benefit test: The economics of tipping by insiders, 2 U. PA. JL & PUB. AFF. 145 (2017).

Douglas Nejaime
Parents in Fact
Douglas NeJaime, Parents in fact, 91 The University of Chicago Law Review, 513 (2024).

Alan Schwartz
MIidstream Contract Interpretation 
Alan Schwartz & Simone M Sepe, Midstream Contract Interpretation, 99 NOTRE DAME L. REV. 611 (2023).

Kate Stith
To Fear Judging No More: Recommendations for the Federal Sentencing Guidelines*
Kate Stith & Jose A Cabranes, To fear judging no more: Recommendations for the federal sentencing guidelines, 11 FED. SENT'G REP. (1998).

Gerald Torres
Celebrating Michael Olivas
Gerald Torres, Celebrating Michael Olivas, 61 HOUS. L. REV. 1 (2023).

Taisu Zhang
Pandemic State-Building: Chinese Administrative Expansion Since 2012
Yutian An and Taisu Zhang, Pandemic State-Building: Chinese Administrative Expansion Since 2012, 42 Yale Law & Policy Review 330 (2024).

Authoritarianism and legality*
Taisu Zhang, Authoritarianism and legality, 32 ASIA PACIFIC LAW REVIEW 311 (2024).

Douglas Nejaime
Parents in Fact
Douglas Nejaime, Parents in Fact, 91 University of Chicago Law Review 513 (2024)

Daniel C. Esty
Making international trade work for sustainable development: toward a new WTO framework for subsidies*
Elena Cima & Daniel C Esty, Making international trade work for sustainable development: toward a new WTO framework for subsidies, 27 Journal of International Economic Law 1 (2024).

Owen M. Fiss
Why we vote (book)
Owen Fiss, Why We Vote. Oxford University Press, 2024.

Abbe R. Gluck
INTRODUCTION: Medical-Legal Partnerships: Equity, Evolution, and Evaluation
Abbe R. Gluck, et al., Introduction: Medical-Legal Partnerships: Equity, Evolution, and Evaluation, 51 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 732 (2023).

Targeting Health-Related Social Risks in the Clinical Setting: New Policy Momentum and Practice Considerations
Abbe R. Gluck, et al., Targeting Health-Related Social Risks in the Clinical Setting: New Policy Momentum and Practice Considerations, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 777 (2023).

The Synergy of Legal and Medical Palliative Care: Challenges and Opportunities in Palliative MLP and the Yale Experience
Abbe R. Gluck, et al., The Synergy of Legal and Medical Palliative Care: Challenges and Opportunities in Palliative MLP and the Yale Experience, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 824 (2023).

Amy Kapczynski
The Constitutionality of Medicare Drug-Price Negotiation under the Takings Clause
Amy Kapczynski, et al., The Constitutionality of Medicare Drug-Price Negotiation under the Takings Clause, 51 , Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 961 (2023).

Douglas Kysar
The Duty of Climate Care
Douglas A. Kysar, The Duty of Climate Care, 73 DePaul Law Review 487 (202). 

Zachary Liscow
Inequality snowballing*
Daniel Giraldo Paez & Zachary Liscow, Inequality snowballing, 77 International Review of Law and Economics 106180 (2024).

David N. Schleicher
Local Legislatures and Delegation
David N Schleicher & Roderick M Hills Jr, Local legislatures and delegation, 102 Tex. L. Rev. 495 (2023).


Yair Listokin
Valuing ESG
Aneil Kovvali & Yair Listokin, Valuing ESG, 49 BYU L. REV. 705 (2023).

Judith Resnik
Helen Hershkoff & Judith Resnik, Constraining and Licensing Arbitrariness: The Stakes in Debates about Substantive-Procedural Due Process, 76 SMU L. Rev. 613 (2023).

James Q. Whitman
Review: Rechtsvergleichung als Erkenntnismethode. Historische Perspektiven vom Spätmittelalter bis ins 19. Jahrhundert*
James Q Whitman,R echtsvergleichung als Erkenntnismethode. Historische Perspektiven vom Spätmittelalter bis ins 19. Jahrhundert: by Heinz Mohnhaupt, Frankfurt am Main, Klosterman, 2022, (2023): 1-3.

Harold Hongju Koh
The Twenty-First Century National Security Constitution
Harold Hongju Koh, The Twenty-First Century National Security Constitution 91 GEO. WASH. L. Rev. 1391 (2023).

Reva B. Siegel
Guided by history: protecting the public sphere from weapons threats under Bruen
Joseph Blocher & Reva B Siegel, Guided by history: protecting the public sphere from weapons threats under Bruen, 98 NYUL REV. 1795 (2023).

The History of History and Tradition: The Roots of Dobbs’s Method (and Originalism) in the Defense of Segregation
Reva B Siegel, The History of History and Tradition: The Roots of Dobb's Method (and Originalism) in the Defense of Segregation, 133 YALE LJF (2023).

Jack M. Balkin 
Frederick Douglass as Constitutionalist 
Jack M Balkin & Sanford Levinson, Frederick Douglass as Constitutionalist, 83 MD. L. Rev. 260 (2023).

Free Speech Versus the First Amendment
Jack M Balkin, Free speech versus the First Amendment, 70 UCLA L. Rev. 1206 (2023).

William N. Eskridge Jr. 
The APA as a Super-Statute: Deep Compromise and Judicial Review of Notice-and-Comment Rulemaking
William N Eskridge Jr & John Ferejohn, The APA as a Super-Statute: Deep Compromise and Judicial Review of Notice-and-Comment Rulemaking, 98 NOTRE DAME L. Rev. 1893 (2022).

Textualism’s Defining Moment
William N Eskridge, et al., Textualism’s Defining Moment, 123 COLUMBIA LAW REVIEW 1611 (2023).

Kate Stith
Justice Alito on Criminal Law
Kate Smith, Justice Alito on Criminal Law, 46 HARV. JL & PUB. POL'Y 741 (2023).


Abbe R. Gluck
Plaintiffs' Process: Civil Procedure, MDL, and a Day in Court
Elizabeth Chamblee Burch & Abbe R Gluck, Plaintiffs' Process: Civil Procedure, MDL, and a Day in Court, 42 REV. LITIG. 225 (2022).

John H. Langbein 
ERISA's Role in the Demise of Defined Benefit Pension Plans in the United States
John H Langbein, ERISA's Role in the Demise of Defined Benefit Pension Plans in the United States, 31 ELDER LJ 1 (2023).

Daniel Markovits
Through Thin and Thick: Comments
Daniel Markovits, Through Thin and Thick: Comments, 38 CONN. J. INT'L L. 121 (2022).

Aslı Ü. Bâli 
The Limits of Prodemocratic International Law in Europe
Asli U Bali, The Limits of Prodemocratic International Law in Europe, 23 CHI. J. INT'L L. 45 (2022).

Lauren Benton
To the uttermost parts of the earth: legal imagination and international power*
Lauren Benton, To the uttermost parts of the earth: legal imagination and international power, 1300–1870: by Martti Koskenniemi, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2021, 1124 pp,£ 65.99 (pbk), ISBN-10: 0521745349; ISBN-13: 0521745345-978 (Taylor & Francis  2022).

Henry Hansmann
The Governance of Foundation-Owned Firms*
Henry Hansmann & Steen Thomsen, The governance of foundation-owned firms, 13 Journal of Legal Analysis 172 (2021).

Oona Hathaway
The Rise of Nonbinding International Agreements: An Empirical, Comparative, and Normative Analysis
Curtis A Bradley, et al., The rise of nonbinding international agreements: An empirical, comparative, and normative analysis, 90 U. CHI. L. Rev. 1281 (2023).

Elizabeth Hinton
The Discriminatory Purpose of the 1994 Crime Bill
Elizabeth Hinton, et al., The Discriminatory Purpose of the 1994 Crime Bill, 16 HARV. L. & POL'Y Rev. 115 (2021).

Jonathan R. Macey
Fraud in a Land of Plenty
Jonathan R Macey, Fraud in a Land of Plenty, 118 NW. UL Rev. 227 (2023).

Nicholas R. Parrillo
Gregory Ablavsky, Federal Ground: Governing Property and Violence in the First U.S. Territories*
Nicholas R Parrillo, Gregory Ablavsky, Federal Ground: Governing Property and Violence in the First US Territories (Oxford University Press  2021).

Judith Resnik
Representing What? Gender, Race, Class, and the Struggle for the Identity and the Legitimacy of Courts
Judith Resnik, Representing what? Gender, race, class, and the struggle for the identity and the legitimacy of courts, 15 The Law & Ethics of Human Rights 1 (2021).

Cristina M. Rodríguez
The Supreme Court 2020 Term Foreword: Regime Change
Cristina M. Rodríguez, Regime Change, The Supreme Court 2020 Term, (2021).

Scott Shapiro
Proximate Cause Explained: An Essay in Experimental Jurisprudence
Joshua Knobe & Scott Shapiro, Proximate cause explained, 88 The University of Chicago Law Review 165 (2021).


Ian Ayres
Sunsets Are for Suckers: An Experimental Test of Sunset Clauses
Kristen Underhill & Ian Ayres, Sunsets Are for Suckers: An Experimental Test of Sunset Clauses, 59 HARV. J. ON LEGIS. 101 (2022).

Aslı Ü. Bâli 
Artificial States and the Remapping of the Middle East
Asli U Bali, Artificial States and the Remapping of the Middle East, 53 VAND. J. TRANSNAT'L L. 405 (2020).

Guido Calabresi
On Tort Law’s Dualisms
Guido Calabresi & Spencer Smith, On Tort Law's Dualisms, 135 HARV. L. REV. F. 184 (2021).

Justin Driver
Three Hail Marys: Carson, Kennedy, and the Fractured Détente Over Religion and Education
Justin Driver, Three Hail Marys: Carson, Kennedy, and the Fractured Détente over Religion and Education, 136 HARV. L. REV. 208 (2022).

E. Donald  Elliott & Daniel C. Esty
Environmental Law for the 21st Century
E Donald Elliott & Daniel C Esty, Environmental Law for the 21st Century, 40 PACE ENV'T L. REV. 454 (2022).

Paul W. Kahn
A Scholarship of Engagement*
.Paul W Kahn, A Scholarship of Engagement, 24 German Law Journal 752 (2023).

Anika Singh Lemar
Anticipating the Impact of the White House's Blueprint for a Renter Bill of Rights
Nathan Cummings & Anika Singh Lemar, Anticipating the Impact of the White House's Blueprint for a Renter Bill of Rights, 32 Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law 119 (2023).

Yair Listokin
The Board-Room Where It Happens—A Research Note*
Yair Listokin, The Board-Room Where It Happens—A Research Note, 24 American Law and Economics Review 706 (2022).

Monetary Finance
Brian Galle & Yair Listokin, Monetary Finance, 75 TAX L. Rev. 137 (2021).

Better Rules for Worse Economies: Efficient Legal Rules Over the Business Cycles 
Yair Listokin & Peter Bassine, Better rules for worse economies: efficient legal rules over the business cycle, 12 HARV. BUS. L. Rev. 55 (2022).

John D. Morley & Taisu Zhang
The Modern State and the Rise of the Business Corporation
Taisu Zhang & John D Morley, The modern state and the rise of the business corporation, 132 YALE LJ 1970 (2022).

Douglas NeJaime
How Functional Parent Doctrines Function: Findings from an Empirical Study
Courtney G Joslin & Douglas NeJaime, How Functional Parent Doctrines Function: Findings from an Empirical Study, 35 J. AM. ACAD. MATRIMONIAL LAW. 589 (2022).

Domestic Violence and Functional Parent Doctrines
Courtney G Joslin & Douglas NeJaime, Domestic violence and functional parent doctrines, 30 VA. J. SOC. POL'Y & L. 67 (2023).

Robert C. Post
Comment on Freedom of Expression in American Legal Education 
Robert Post, Comment on Freedom of Expression in American Legal Education, 51 HOFSTRA L. Rev. 667 (2022).

Susan Rose-Ackerman
Fuzzy Sets and Vague Language: Margit Cohn’s A Theory of the Executive Branch*
Susan Rose-Ackerman, Fuzzy Sets and Vague Language: Margit Cohn’s A Theory of the Executive Branch, 27 Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 144 (2023).

Transnational Business Deals and the Professional Obligations of Lawyers
Susan Rose-Ackerman, Transnational Business Deals and the Professional Obligations of Lawyers, 54 COLUM. HUM. RTS. L. Rev. 673 (2022).

David Schleicher
 What is Property Law in an Age of Statutes and Regulation? A Review of the Property: Principles and Policies by Thomas Merrill, Henry Smith and Maureen Brady 
Roderick M Hills Jr & David Schleicher, What is Property Law in an Age of Statutes and Regulation? A Review of the Property: Principles and Policies by Thomas Merrill, Henry Smith and Maureen Brady, 79 NYU Annual Survey of American Law 23 (2023).

Reva B. Siegel
How “History and Tradition" Perpetuates Inequality: Dobbs on Abortion's Nineteenth-Century Criminalization
Reva B Siegel, How" History and Tradition" Perpetuates Inequality: Dobbs on Abortion's Nineteenth-Century Criminalization, 60 HOUS. L. Rev. 901 (2022).

Kate Stith
Marvin Frankel's Sentencing Reform Journey: 1970-1978*
Kate Stith & Kenneth P Coleman, Marvin Frankel’s Sentencing Reform Journey: 1970–1978, 35 Federal Sentencing Reporter 288 (2023).

Gerald Torres
Gerald Torres, Nepantla/Coatlicue/Conocimiento, 121 Michigan Law Review 121 1147 (2023).

In memoriam: Professor Lani Guinier 
Gerald Torres, et al., In memoriam: Professor Lani Guinier, 136 Harvard Law Review 743 (2023).

Tom R. Tyler
Elevating Trust in Prosecutors: Enhancing Legitimacy by Increasing Transparency Using a Process-Tracing Approach
Trace C Vardsveen & Tom R Tyler, Elevating Trust in Prosecutors: Enhancing Legitimacy by Increasing Transparency Using a Process-Tracing Approach, 50 FORDHAM URB. LJ 1153 (2022).


Anne Alstott
Psychological Parenthood
Anne L Alstott, et al., Psychological parenthood, 106 MINN. L. REV. 2363 (2021).

Akhil Reed Amar 
After Words
Akhil Reed Amar, After Words, 37 CONST. COMMENT. 69 (2022).

Why Words?
Akhil Reed Amar, Why Words?, MICH. ST. L. Rev. 387 (2022).

Eradicating Bush-League Arguments Root and Branch: The Article II Independent-State-Legislature Notion and Related Rubbish
Vikram David Amar & Akhil Reed Amar, Eradicating Bush-League Arguments Root and Branch: The Article II Independent-State-Legislature Notion and Related Rubbish, 2021 The Supreme Court Review 1 (2022).

Ian Ayres
Affirmative action still hasn't been shown to reduce the number of black lawyers: A response to Sander
Ian Ayres, et al., Affirmative action still hasn’t been shown to reduce the number of black lawyers: A response to Sander, 69 International Review of Law and Economics1 (2022).

Aslı Ü. Bâli 
The Limits of Prodemocratic International Law in Europe
Asli U Bali, The Limits of Prodemocratic International Law in Europe, 23 CHI. J. INT'L L. 45 (2022).

Book: Federalism and decentralization in the contemporary Middle East and North Africa
Aslı Ü. Bâli & Omar M Dajani, Federalism and decentralization in the contemporary Middle East and North Africa(Cambridge University Press. 2023).

Jack M. Balkin
Constitutional Memories
Jack M Balkin, Constitutional Memories, 31 WM. & MARY BILL RTS. J. 307 (2022).

Reform Social Media, Reform Informational Capitalism, in Lee C. Bollinger and Geoffrey R. Stone, eds., Social Media, Freedom of Speech, and the Future of our Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2022).*

Lea Brilmayer
Jurisdictional Problems, Comity Solutions
Daniel B Listwa & Lea Brilmayer, Jurisdictional Problems, Comity Solutions, 100 TEX. L. Rev. 1373 (2021).

Femi Cadmus
Technology, Legal Information, and Access to Justice in Africa, in The Routledge Handbook of African Law: A Historical, Political, Social, and Economic Context of Law in Africa (Muna Ndulo & Cosmas Emeziem eds., 2021, Routledge)*

Guido Calabresi
Remarks on my Mentor, Robert Cover
Guido Calabresi,Remarks on my Mentor, Robert Cover, 37 Touro Law Review 1 (2022).

Amy Chua
Book: Golden Gate

Fiona Doherty
"Breach of Trust" and U.S. v. Haymond
Fiona Doherty, “Breach of Trust” and US v. Haymond, 34 Federal Sentencing Reporter 274 (2022).

Justin Driver
Brown and Red: Defending Jim Crow in Cold War America
Gregory Briker & Justin Driver, Brown and Red: Defending Jim Crow in Cold War America, 74 STAN. L. Rev. 447 (2022).

Assessing Affirmative Action’s Diversity Rationale
Justin Driver, et al., Assessing affirmative action's diversity rationale, 122 COLUM. L. Rev. 331 (2022).

Robert C. Ellickson
Empirical Research in Property: Vicki Bene as a Role Model
Robert C. Ellickson, Empirical Research in Property: Vicki Bene as a Role Model, 11 Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Journal 33 (2022). 

Property in Land in the Early United States
Robert C Ellickson, Property in Land in the Early United States, 33 YALE JL & HUMAN. 274 (2022).

Stale Real Estate Covenants
Robert C Ellickson, Stale Real Estate Covenants, 63 WM. & MARY L. Rev. 1831 (2021).

America’s Frozen Neighborhoods: The Abuse of Zoning (Yale University Press, 2022).

William N. Eskridge Jr.
Reliance Interests in Statutory and Constitutional Interpretation
William N Eskridge Jr, Reliance Interests in Statutory and Constitutional Interpretation, 76 VAND. L. Rev. 681 (2023).

Daniel C. Esty
Zeroing in on Net-Zero: From Soft Law to Hard Law in Corporate Climate Change Pledges
Daniel C Esty & Nathan de Arriba-Sellier, Zeroing in on net-zero: From soft law to hard law in corporate climate change pledges, 94 U. COLO. L. Rev. 635 (2023).

Designing Effective Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanisms: Aligning the Global Trade and Climate Change Regimes 
Goran Dominioni & Daniel C Esty, Designing Effective Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanisms: Aligning the Global Trade and Climate Change Regimes, 65 ARIZ. L. REV. 41 (2023).

Au Revoir to Doux Commerce: Building a New Foundation for Global Trade*
Daniel C Esty, Au Revoir to Doux Commerce: Building a New Foundation for Global Trade (Oxford University Press UK 2022).

Heather K. Gerken
 The myth of the laboratories of democracy 
Charles W Tyler & Heather K Gerken, The myth of the laboratories of democracy, 122 Columbia Law Review 2187 (2022).

Abbe R. Gluck
The Orthodox, and Unorthodox, RBG: Administrative Law and Civil Procedure
Abbe R Gluck & Anne Joseph O'Connell, The Orthodox, and Unorthodox, RBG: Administrative Law and Civil Procedure, 90 GEO. WASH. L. Rev. 1532 (2022).

Robert W. Gordon
Book: The American Law Institute : a centennial history

Oona A. Hathaway
Oona A. Hathaway, et al., Has the Alien Tort Statute Made a Difference?: A Historical, Empirical, and Normative Assessment, 107 CORNELL L. Rev. 1205 (2021).

Introductory Remarks by Oona Hathaway*
Oona Hathaway, Introductory Remarks by Oona Hathaway  § 115 (Cambridge University Press  2021). 

Paul W. Kahn
Book: Democracy in our America : can we still govern ourselves?

Amy Kapczynski
The Public History of Trade Secrets
Amy Kapczynski, The public history of trade secrets, 55 UC DAVIS L. Rev. 1367 (2021).

Anthony T. Kronman
Book: After disbelief : on disenchantment, disappointment, eternity, and joy.

John Langbein
The Turn to Confession Bargaining in German Criminal Procedure: Causes and Comparisons with American Plea Bargaining*
John H Langbein, The turn to confession bargaining in German criminal procedure: Causes and comparisons with American plea bargaining, 70 The American Journal of Comparative Law 139 (2022).

Zachary Liscow
Democratizing Behavioral Economics
Zachary Liscow & Daniel Markovits, Democratizing behavioral economics, 39 YALE J. ON REG. 1217 (2022).

Why Is So Much Redistribution In-Kind and Not in Cash? Evidence from a Survey Experiment*
Zachary Liscow & Abigail Pershing, Why is so much redistribution in-kind and not in cash? Evidence from a survey experiment, 75 National Tax Journal 225 (2022).

Jonathan Macey
Toward a" Tender Offer" Market for Labor Representation 
Aneil Kovvali & Jonathan R Macey, Toward a" Tender Offer" Market for Labor Representation, 63 BCL REV. 2111 (2022).

ESG Investing: Why Here? Why Now?
Jonathan R Macey, ESG Investing: Why Here? Why Now?, 19 BERKELEY BUS. LJ 258 (2022).

Daniel Markovits
Democratizing Behavioral Economics
Zachary Liscow & Daniel Markovits, Democratizing behavioral economics, 39 YALE J. ON REG. 1217 (2022).

A New Genre for a Discipline Made New*
Daniel Markovits, A New Genre for a Discipline Made New, 23 German Law Journal 818 (2022).

Consumer Law as an Axis of Economic Inequality 
Daniel Markovits, et al., Consumer Law as an Axis of Economic Inequality, 102 BUL REV. 1169 (2022).

.Jerry L.  Mashaw
Peter Shane and the Rule of Law
Jerry L Mashaw, Peter Shane and the Rule of Law, 83 OHIO ST. LJ 207 (2022).

Samuel Moyn
Review, International Law and the Politics of History, by Anne Orford*
Samuel Moyn, International Law and the Politics of History. By Anne Orford. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. xii, 382. Index, 116 American Journal of International Law 895 (2022).

The Ghost of John Hart Ely
Ryan D Doerfler & Samuel Moyn, The Ghost of John Hart Ely, 75 VAND. L. Rev. 769 (2022).

Douglas NeJaime
How Parenthood Functions 
Courtney G Joslin & Douglas NeJaime, How Parenthood Functions, 123 Columbia Law Review 319 (2023).

Douglas NeJaime, Multi-parent families, real and imagined 
Courtney G Joslin & Douglas NeJaime, Multi-parent families, real and imagined, 90 FORDHAM L. Rev. 2561 (2021).

Psychological Parenthood
Douglas NeJaime, et al., Psychological parenthood, 106 MINN. L. Rev. 2363 (2021).

Claire Priest
Book: Credit Nation Property Laws and Institutions in Early America

Carol Rose
What EJ Has to Do with It: Vicki Been's Empiricism in the Forge of Environmental Justice 
Carol Rose, What EJ Has to Do with It: Vicki Been's Empiricism in the Forge of Environmental Justice, 11 Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Journal 25 (2022).

Property Law and Inequality: Lessons from Racially Restrictive Convenanants
Carol M Rose, Property Law and Inequality: Lessons from Racially Restrictive Convenants, 117 NW. UL Rev. 225 (2022).

A Glimpse of Early Modern Governance in Claire Priest's Credit Nation
Carol M Rose, A Glimpse of Early Modern Governance in Claire Priest's Credit Nation, 33 YALE JL & HUMAN. 288 (2022).

Susan Rose-Ackerman
Hyper-Presidential Administration: Executive Policymaking in Latin America 
Susan Rose-Ackerman & Edgar Andrés Melgar, Hyper-Presidential Administration: Executive Policymaking in Latin America, 64 ARIZ. L. Rev. 1097 (2022).

David Schleicher
Why We Can't Have Nice Place-Based Policies: A Review of David Wessel's
Only the Rich Can Play*
David Schleicher, Why We Can't Have Nice Place-Based Policies: A Review of David Wessel'sOnly the Rich Can Play, 31 Journal of Affordable Housing and Community Development Law 19 (2022).

Book: In a bad state: responding to state and local budget crises.

Alan Schwartz
Contract Remedies for New-Economy Collaborations
Alan Schwartz & Simone M Sepe, Contract Remedies for New-Economy Collaborations, 101 TEX. L. Rev. 479 (2022).

Scott J. Shapiro
Book: Fancy Bear goes phishing : the dark history of the information age, in five extraordinary hacks.

Reva B. Siegel
Memory Games: Dobbs's Originalism as Anti-Democratic Living Constitutionalism--and Some Pathways for Resistance
Reva B Siegel, Memory Games: Dobbs's Originalism as Anti-Democratic Living Constitutionalism-and Some Pathways for Resistance, 101 TEX. L. Rev. 1127 (2022).

Equal Protection in Dobbs and Beyond: How States Protect Life Inside and Outside of the Abortion Context 
Reva B Siegel, et al., Equal Protection in Dobbs and Beyond: How States Protect Life Inside and Outside of the Abortion Context, 43 COLUM. J. GENDER & L. 67 (2022).

Norman Silber
Book: Outside in : the oral history of Guido Calabresi

Tom R. Tyler
Book: Advanced introduction to law and psychology

John Fabian Witt
Foreseeability conventions 
John Fabian Witt & Morgan Savige, Foreseeability conventions, 44 CARDOZO L. Rev. 1075 (2022).

Garland's Million; or, the Tragedy and Triumph of Legal History: American Society for Legal History Plenary Lecture, New Orleans, 2021*
John Fabian Witt, Garland's Million; or, the Tragedy and Triumph of Legal History: American Society for Legal History Plenary Lecture, New Orleans, 2021, 40 Law and History Review 123 (2022).

Tort Law’s New Quarantinism: Race and Coercion in the Age of a Novel Coronavirus 
Sierra Stubbs & John Fabian Witt, Tort Law's New Quarantinism: Race and Coercion in the Age of a Novel Coronavirus, 71 DEPAUL L. Rev. 613 (2021).

Gideon Yaffe
Revisiting the “But Everybody Does That!” Defense*
Gideon Yaffe, Revisiting the “But Everybody Does That!” Defense, 41 Law and Philosophy 419 (2022).

Taisu Zhang 
Foreword: From Ownership to Credit
Taisu Zhang, Foreword: From Ownership to Credit, 33 YALE Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities 223 (2022).