eYLS Collections
eYLS is the portal to the various electronic collections curated by the Lillian Goldman Law Library in memory of Sol Goldman at Yale Law School. The sites and collections that comprise eYLS are listed below. Please contact the webmaster if you have any questions.

The Yale Law School's OpenYLS Scholarship Repository is a free, open access digital collection of legal scholarship. The repository is designed to make legal scholarship more widely available to the public, and contains works by both current and former Yale Law School faculty. The repository is updated regularly. OpenYLS is open to anyone who wishes to use it, and is intended to be a valuable resource for legal scholars, students, and the general public.

The Documents Collection Center
The Document Collection Center publishes discrete collections of research material collected by the library.

The Avalon Project
The Avalon Project at Yale Law School is a digital library of documents related to the history of law, politics, and diplomacy. The project was established in 1988 and has since grown to include over 900 documents from the ancient world to the present. It includes a wide range of primary source material, including government documents, treaties, court opinions, state papers, books, and articles. The Avalon Project is a unique resource for research in law, economics, history, political science, and other related disciplines. It is an invaluable resource for scholars and students alike.