GPO And Depository Libraries Partner To Offer Online Reference Assistance

The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) is joining the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and Federal Depository Libraries around the country to provide an online reference service to the American public.  UIC will manage and maintain this unique free web based service called  "Government Information Online: Ask a Librarian."   It will be supported by nearly 20 public, academic and state libraries throughout the country.  This service will give the public an opportunity to ask questions about government resources to librarians who specialize in finding government information on every topic.

An example of how this service works: with the current process in the Presidential elections, the public may have questions about the primaries, caucuses and Electoral College process. A librarian is available at to answer those or any other questions about the government. 

Yale University currently offers "Ask a Librarian" services to its library patrons, at

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