New Exhibit: Judges, Judging and Judicial Lawmaking in International Law

Judges, Judging and Judicial Lawmaking in International Law

A new exhibit showcasing a selection of representative works on international judicial lawmaking in the law library foreign and international law collection is now on display on L1 of the law library.

The selections of works highlight the debates on judicial opinions as a source of the corpus of international law, recurring discourse on the legitimacy of international courts and tribunals as lawmakers, the impact of judges’ exercise of public authority through lawmaking on democratic governance, and related issues of proliferation and fragmentation.

On Judicial Opinions as a Source of International Law:

Change and stability in international law-making / edited by Antonio Cassese and Joseph H.H. Weiler (De Gruyter 1988)

On the foundations and sources of international law / edited by Ige F. Dekker and Harry H.G. Post. (Asser The Hague 2003) 

The sources of international law / Hugh Thirlway (OUP 2014) 

Sources of international law / edited by Martti Koskenniemi (Ashgate/Dartmouth, 2000) 

The limits of international law / Jack L. Goldsmith and Eric A. Posner (OUP 2005) 

The Making of International Law / Alan Boyle and Christine Chinkin (OUP 2007) 

Developments of International Law in Treaty Making / edited by Rüdiger Wolfrum and Volker Röben (Springer Berlin 2005) 

The Perils of Global Legalism / Eric A. Posner (University of Chicago Press Chicago 2009) 

The Philosophy of International Law / edited by Samantha Besson and John Tasioulas (OUP Oxford 2010) 

Related Issues and Debates: Democratic Legitimation of International Judicial Lawmaking, Proliferation and Fragmentation

International judicial lawmaking : on public authority and democratic legitimation in global governance / edited by Armin von Bogdandy and Ingo Venzke; with a foreword by Bruno Simma (Springer Heidelberg 2012) 

In whose name? : a public law theory of international adjudication / Armin von Bogdandy and Ingo Venzke; translated from the German by Thomas Dunlap and revised by the authors (OUP Oxford 2014) 

International courts and the development of international law : essays in honour of Tullio Treves / edited by Nerina Boschiero, Tullio Scovazzi, Cesare Pitea, and Chiara Ragni (Asser The Hague 2013) 

The world court and the contemporary international lawmaking process / Edward McWhinney (Sijthoff & Noordhoff Alphen aan den Rijn 1979) 

The International Court of Justice : an arbitral tribunal or a judicial body? / Serena Forlati (Springer Cham 2014) 

Conflict of Norms in Public International Law: How WTO Law Relates to Other Rules of International Law / Joost Pauwelyn (CUP Cambridge 2003) 

Conflicts in International Environmental Law / Rüdiger Wolfrum and Nele Matz (Springer Berlin 2003) 

The competing jurisdictions of international courts and tribunals / Yuval Shany (OUP Oxford 2003) 

The constitutionalization of international law / Jan Klabbers, Anne Peters, and Geir Ulfstein (OUP Oxford 2009) 

Internationalization of law : globalization, international law and complexity / Marcelo Dias Varella (Springer Heidelberg 2014)

Unity and diversity in international law : proceedings of an international symposium of the Kiel Walther Schücking Institute of International Law, November 4 - 7, 2004 / edited by Andreas Zimmermann and Rainer Hofmann; assistant editor, Hanna Goeters (Duncker und Humblot Berlin 2006) 

International institutional law : unity within diversity / Henry G. Schermers and Niels M. Blokker (Nijhoff Leiden 2011) 

Global Law without a State / edited by Gunther Teubner (Dartmouth Brookfield 1996) 

International Law between Universalism and Fragmentation: Festschrift in Honour of Gerhard Hafner / edited by Isabelle Buffard et al. (Nijhoff Leiden 2008) 

The international judge : an introduction to the men and women who decide the world’s cases / Daniel Terris, Cesare P.R. Romano, and Leigh Swigart (UPNE Waltham 2007) 

For additional resources, see Oxford Bibliographies Online: International Law: Jurisprudence (Judicial Lawmaking).

Suggested Subject Headings to search in Morris:

Judge-made Law

International Courts

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