Legal Affairs
The Legal Affairs collection is comprised of a digitized collection of all 24 issues of the magazine originally published in print and a web archive version of the website. Also found in the web archive are all 74 debates from the online-only feature Legal Affairs' Debate Club.
"Legal Affairs was the first American general-interest magazine about the law. Its goal was to stir a challenging, vibrant conversation about the subject. It operated as an independent not-for-profit venture with an educational and social mission — editorially independent as 'A Magazine of Yale Law School' from 2002 to ’04, and editorially and organizationally independent from ‘04 to ‘06. Legal Affairs published 24 issues in print, every other month from May 2002 until March 2006, with the content also posted on the web. From September 2004 until May 2006, Legal Affairs published in addition a web-only feature called Debate Club, with 74 debates." - Lincoln Caplan
For more on the history of Legal Affairs, download About Legal Affairs.