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Rare Books Blog
There are several articles of interest to legal historians and legal bibliographers in the latest issue of The Green Bag (N.S. vol. 11, no. 2, Winter...
Foreign and International Blog
The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, established on January 19, 1981 and located in the Hague, was created in an effort to resolve the crisis...
Rare Books Blog
A hearty thanks to my Anglophile friend, Mr. Harold I. Boucher of San Francisco (LL.B. Boalt, 1930, Honorary O.B.E.), for his gift of two fine 17th...
More great information from the Law Library of Congress, this time on the State Secrets Privilege. Here you will find links to several articles...
Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press and Sage Publications are suing Georgia State University, contending that the school is violating...