We are delighted to announce the 2016 Yale Law School Short Story Competition is now open to all Yale Law School students.
Last year’s competition attracted a great number of superb entries. Indeed, one of last year’s winners, Carter Greenbaum, went on to sign with literary agent Fran Black, and recently secured a book deal for his first novel.
Authors are invited to submit works of original, previously unpublished fiction of any length up to 7,500 words as an email attachment to julian.aiken@yale.edu. (There is no minimum length for entries.)
The judging panel will consist of Matthew Pearl (author and Yale Law School alumnus), Abbe Gluck, W. Michael Reisman, Paul Gewirtz, Jordan Jefferson, and Julian Aiken.
The winning entry will receive a gift card of their choice to the value of $500.
Deadline for submissions: Midnight, Sunday January 31, 2016.
Last year’s shortlisted stories can be viewed here: https://digitalcommons.law.yale.edu/creative/
Please address any questions to julian.aiken@yale.edu.