Book Talk: The Case of the Piglet's Paternity- 9/28/15

Book Talk:
Join The Honorable Jon Blue for a discussion of his new book
The Case of the Piglet’s Paternity: Trials from the New Haven Colony 1639-1663
Commentary by Eugene Fidell
September 28th / 6:10 - 7:00 pm / SLB Room 120
The case of the piglet’s Paternity assembles thirty-three of the most significant and intriguing trails of the period. As a book that examines a distinctive judicial system from a modern legal perspective, it is sure to be of interest to readers in law and legal history. For less litigious readers, Blue offerers a worm’s eye view of the full spectrum of early colonial society - political leaders and religious dissidents, farmhands and apprentices, women and children. - Wesleyan University Press
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