Please join Fred Shapiro (Associate Director for Collections) and Kathryn James (Rare Book Librarian) on Thursday, October 20, 12-1pm, for a tour of the Library’s current exhibition, “Race, Slavery, & the Founders of Yale Law School.” We’ll meet at the Rare Book Room, on Level Two of the Library, down one floor from the main entrance. Please bring your Yale ID to access the Yale Law School building.
Mark your calendars as well for the exhibit’s upcoming events, including a walking tour of Grove Street Cemetery with Mike Morand (Beinecke Library), on Thursday, October 27, 4-5:15pm. Mike will lead us on an exhibition tour of the cemetery, exploring the intersections, in life and death, of the three founders of Yale Law School and issues of race and slavery within the New Haven, New England, and national communities.
For the exhibit essay and events calendar, please visit the exhibition website.