Michael VanderHeijden
Associate Director Scholarly and Research Services, Lecturer in Legal Research

Phone number
+1 (203) 432-4367
Office number
Room 309 (L3)
Classes taught
Corporate Legal Research
Research Methods in Judicial History
Research Methods in Environmental Law
Research Methods in Judicial History
Research Methods in Environmental Law
Welcome! I provide research help and instruction to YLS students, faculty, and staff. Like my colleagues, I'm happy to take a shot at any research question you might encounter while at YLS. So please don't hesitate to ask. I'm particularly interested in legislative history, regulatory research, disability law, and environmental law.
In the years prior to Yale, I was the Research Services manager at a DC law firm, an advocate for people with disabilities, a painter, and an organic farm volunteer.
If you would like to talk about your research, I'm available Monday through Friday via Zoom. Please send me an email (michael.vanderheijden@yale.edu) with both a short description of your project and a few proposed times that work for you. Thanks!