Collected Travaux Préparatoires
The Travaux Préparatoires are official documents recording the negotiations, drafting, and discussions during the process of creating a treaty. These documents may be consulted and taken into consideration when interpreting treaties. Travaux Préparatoires of a specific treaty are often unpublished or inaccessible, and difficult to locate even when these documents have been published in a collated volume. So, to help scholars and researchers, the following is a collection of the available Travaux Préparatoires for international treaties online and in our library catalog. If the item is physically located in our library, we scanned and attached the table of contents so researchers can tell if the item is relevant. This is an ongoing project so please let us know if you come across a Travaux source that is not included here.
Originally created by Ryan Harrington, with thanks to Lauren Koster, Dustin Hooten, and Julia Hsieh. Now, maintained by the Foreign & International Team with thanks to Jason Anderson.
1er congrès international des tribunaux pour enfants, Paris, 29 juin-1er juillet 1911: Actes du congrès, travaux préparatoires, comptes rendus analytiques et sténographiques publiés au nom du Comité d organisation
1st International Congress of Juvenile Courts, Paris, 29 June to 1 July 1911. Proceedings of the Congress, preparatory work, summary and stenographic proceedings published on behalf of the Organizing Committee, by Mr. Marcel Kleine (1912)
Actes et documents de la neuvieme a la vingtieme session / Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé (1960-2005). Proceedings of the 9th through the 20th session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (1960-2005).9th session (5 - 26 Oct 1960): Miscellaneous Matters, Legalization, Form of wills, Protection of Children.10th session (7 -28 Oct 1964): Divorce, Adoption, Notification, Contract forum.Special Meeting (13 - 26 April 1966): Execution of judgments.11th session (7 - 26 Oct 1968): Miscellaneous Matters, Divorce, Traffic Accidents, Taking evidence abroad.12th session (2 - 21 Oct 1972): Miscellaneous Matters, Administration of estates, Product Liability, Maintenance Obligations.13th session (4-23 Oct 1976): Miscellaneous Matters, Matrimonial Property Regimes, Marriage, Agency.14th session (6 - 25 Oct 1980): Miscellaneous Matters, Consumer Sales.15th session (8 - 20 Oct 1984): Miscellaneous Matters, Trusts - applicable law and recognition.16th session (3 - 20 Oct 1988): Miscellaneous Matters, Succession to estates - applicable law.17th session (10 - 29 May 1993): Miscellaneous Matters, Centenary, Adoption - Cooperation.18th session (30 Sept - 19 Oct 1996): Miscellaneous Matters, Protection of Children.Special Commission (20 Sept - 2 Oct 1999): Protection of Adults.19th session (6 - 22 June 2001, 2 - 13 Dec 2002): Miscellaneous Matters, Securities.20th session (14 - 30 June 2005): Choice of Court.
Travaux préparatoires of Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958).
Geneva Conventions Materials (Library of Congress Military Legal Resources). Includes travaux materials, reports and commentary on 1949 Geneva Conventions.
Travaux préparatoires on the Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture. OAS official records ; OEA/Ser.A/42 (SEPF).
Guide to the travaux préparatoires of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights / By Marc J. Bossuyt ; preface by John P. Humphrey. See Additional Sources: (1) Daniel Turp, Guide to the “travaux préparatoires” of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Book Review), 26 Canadian Yearbook of International Law 445-452. (2) Hurst Hannum, Guide to the “Travaux préparatoires” of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Book Review), 82 American Journal of International Law 680-682.
La protection internationale du droit d'auteur: contribution aux travaux préparatoires de la Conférence diplomatique de Rome pour la révision de la Convention de Berne. Title Translation: International copyright protection: contribution to the travaux préparatoires of the Rome Diplomatic Conference for the revision of the Berne Convention / International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation. 1928. The publication includes the text of the resolution adopted by the International Commission on Intellectual Co-operation [of the League of Nations] on the joint proposal of the Sub-Committee on Intellectual Rights and the Sub-Committee on Arts and Letters, followed by the Draft Text concerning the protection of the right to respect adopted by the Sub-Committee on Letters and Arts ... and intended to be the subject of a proposal to the Rome Diplomatic Conference for the revision of the Berne Convention .
Compiled and edited by Michael F. Sturley with translations by Caroline Boyle
The International Criminal Court : the making of the Rome Statute--issues, negotiations, results / edited by Roy S. Lee ; in cooperation with the Project on International Courts and Tribunals. This publication is a collective work by a group of persons closely associated with the actual making of the Rome Statute. It covers the substantive & procedural issues raised during the preparatory stages as well as the Conference. These active participants in the Conference provide an account of the main contentions on each of the key issues, the divergent approaches put forward by the principal proponents, how differences were resolved, how groups of articles were prepared, & how the final text as a whole was assembled. All the authors served certain key functions during the Conference, most of them chaired or co-ordinated the work of a committee, a working group or a negotiating body, all of which together produced the Statute. Their professional account of the work of the Conference makes this publication a unique resource for States contemplating ratification & preparing national implementation legislation. This book gives the insiders' reportage of the negotiations that culminated in this momentous Statute.
See also: The legislative history of the International Criminal Court / edited by M. Cherif Bassiouni and William A. Schabas (2d revised and expanded edition. Leiden ; Boston : Brill Nijhoff, 2016)
Conference on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, 1998. This 3-volume set presents the official records of the United Nations Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, which took place in Rome, 15 June-17 July 1998.
The Statute of the International Court of Justice : a commentary / edited by Andreas Zimmermann, Christian Tomuschat, Karin Oellers-Frahm, Christian J. Tams; assistant editors, Maral Kashgar, David Diehl. Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2012. Second edition. 2019 Third Edition.
Traité instituant la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l acier: État actuel des questions juridiques et de la jurisprudence. Bibliographie des travaux préparatoires, de la doctrine [et] de la jurisprudence, 1950-1957
Institut de droit international, travaux preparatoires de la session de 1879. Rapport sur l'extradition et sur les commissions rogatoires, en matiere penale.
Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea : documents / compiled and edited by Renate Platzöder. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. : Oceana Publications, 1982- . This series contains the only complete legislative history of UNCLOS III. Much of the material consists of proposals and papers from the various working and negotiating groups, organized in a continuum of how a text or section of convention was reached. See also book reviews by: 1. Koers, A. (1976). Netherlands International Law Review, 23(2), 225-225. doi:10.1017/S0165070X00017150 (Book Review) 2. Green, L. (1991). American Journal of International Law, 85(2), 408-410. doi:10.2307/2203087 (Book Review)
Travaux préparatoires of the negotiations for the elaboration of the United Nations Convention against Corruption
The UN Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women : a commentary / Edited by Marsha A. Freeman, Christine Chinkin, & Beate Rudolf / This volume is the first comprehensive commentary on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Optional Protocol. The Convention is a key international human rights instrument and the only one exclusively addressed to women. It has been described as the United Nations' 'landmark treaty in the struggle for women's rights'. The Commentary describes the application of the Convention through the work of its monitoring body, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. It comprises detailed analyses of the Preamble and each article of the Convention and of the Optional Protocol, with travaux preparatoires. It also includes a separate chapter on the cross-cutting substantive issue of violence against women. The sources relied on are the treaty language and the general recommendations, concluding observations and case law under the Optional Protocol, through which the Committee has interpreted and applied the Convention. Each chapter is self-contained but the Commentary is conceived of as an integral whole. The book also includes an Introduction which provides an overview of the Convention and its embedding in the international law of human rights.
Official Records of the UN Conference on Consular Relations (Vienna, 4 March – 22 April 1963), including Summary records of plenary meetings and of the meetings of the First and Second Committees (Vol. I), and Annexes (Vol. II) are available in print (Morris Call Number: JXYZ C765 v. 1 and v. 2), electronically at HeinOnline, and at the UN Codification Division Publications website. Procedural history and related documents and audiovisual references can be found at the UN Audiovisual Library of International Law. See also, Vienna Convention on Consular Relations: with texts and commentaries on Vienna convention on diplomatic relations, 1961, United States-Soviet consular convention, 1964, Draft European convention on consular functions, by Luke T. Lee. (Morris Call Number: KZ1242 .L44 1966)
Official Records of the UN Conference on Diplomatic Intercourse and Immunities (Vienna, 2 March to 14 April 1951), including Summary records of plenary meetings and of the meetings of the Committee of the Whole (Vol. I), and Annexes (Vol. II) are available at HeinOnline and at the UN Codification Division Publications website. Procedural history and related documents and audiovisual references can be found at the UN Audiovisual Library of International Law.
Official Records of the UN Conference on Succession of States in Respect of State Property, Archives, and Debts, 1983 (Vienna, 1 March to 8 April 1983), including Summary records of plenary meetings and of the meetings of the Committee of the Whole (Vol. I), and Annexes (Vol. II) are available at HeinOnline and at the UN Codification Division Publications website. Procedural history and related documents and audiovisual references can be found at the UN Audiovisual Library of International Law.
Official Records of the UN Conference on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties (Vienna, 1977-1978), including Summary records of plenary meetings and of the meetings of the Committee of the Whole for the 1977 Session (Vol. I), Summary records of plenary meetings and of the meetings of the Committee of the Whole for the 1978 Resumed Session (Vol. II), and Annexes (Vol. III) are available in print (Morris Call Number: KZ4041 .U55 1978 oversize) or electronically at HeinOnline and at the UN Codification Division Publications website. Procedural history and related documents and audiovisual references can be found at the UN Audiovisual Library of International Law.
Conference on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations, 1986
Official Records of the UN Conference on the Representation of States in their Relations with International Organizations (Vienna, 4 Feb - 14 March 1975), including Summary records of plenary meetings and of the meetings of the Committee of the Whole (Vol. I), and Annexes (Vol. II) are available in print (Morris Call Number: JXYZ R29) or electronically at HeinOnline and at the UN Codification Division Publications website.
An extensive online repository portal comprising treaty research guides as well as the written records generated during the negotiations for WIPO-administered treaties.