Library Tip: Subject Specific Research Help

Subject Specific Research Help
Dear Students,
The Lillian Goldman Law Library Research & Instruction Team is available to assist you. You can reach us in the following ways:
- Visit us via Zoom during 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 5pm EST.
- Email us at Email help is available 9am - 6pm EST, Monday - Thursday, and 9am - 5pm on Fridays. Please add the email address: to ensure you receive our replies.
- Schedule a consultation with us or contact individual librarians directly. Appointments are available between 9am and 5pm EST Monday through Friday.
In addition to us being available for any general research questions, please note that we help in a number of specialized legal research areas.
Foreign, Comparitive and International Law Research
A global orientation is one of the goals of the Yale Law School and the law library foreign, comparative and international law collection supports this endeavor. To jump start your foreign and international law research, consult the foreign, comparative and international law research page on the library website. Discover our research guides, such as the Country-by-Country Guide for conducting foreign law research, and the Collected Travaux Preparatoires Guide for researching drafting histories of international treaty instruments. On the Legal Databases page, researchers can find electronic legal databases by subject, for example, International Arbitration, International Trade, or International Law.
Business/Corporate Legal Research
Are you planning to work in a firm’s corporate or transactional practice group? Would you like to round out your legal research experience with skills, knowledge and resources not covered by Advanced Legal Research? Becoming familiar with tools like Securities Mosaic, Bloomberg Law, S&P Capital IQ, and Practical Law can help you feel better-prepared for summer and post-YLS jobs. Contact the reference librarians to schedule a research consultation.
Empirical Legal Research
If you are planning to work on a project that involves empirical research this semester, feel free to reach out to our empirical legal research and assessment librarian Michelle Hudson for help with human subjects (IRB) review, finding numeric and geospatial data for secondary analysis, crafting a study protocol, reviewing academic literature in the social sciences, and more. Feel free to contact Michelle directly via email and/or schedule a time to meet via Zoom. Several Empirical Legal Research Guides are also available to help you get started.
Legal History Research
Many legal questions have historical components. If you are interested in conducting legal history research or if a need for historical perspective or materials arise, there are many resources that can be useful to you. If you need any help in identifying, locating, or using any sources or if you would like help in approaching your research project, the law library can help. John B. Nann is the library’s legal historian and you can email him directly.
General Library Updates
Please refer to our Law Library services page for information about and updates to library services.
Thank you,
Your Law Library