Stephen Bright Bibliography
Capital Punishment
- Online Course: Capital Punishment- Race, Poverty, & Disadvantage
- Stephen B. Bright (2015)This online course explores in 13 sessions made up of videos and accompanying readings the imposition of the death penalty in the United States with particular attention to the influence of race and poverty, and the disadvantages of mental illness or intellectual disability of those facing death. Utilizing decisions of the Supreme Court and other courts, transcripts, articles, interviews with people involved in the cases, and other materials, it examines both the legal and practical aspects of capital punishment, including the role of the prosecutor, defense lawyer, judge, and jury; the evidence to be considered; the procedures employed; and the fairness of its application.'
- United Nations, Moving Away From the Death Penalty: Arguments, Trends and Perspectives
- This publication, issued by the United Nations in 2014, provides perspectives on many aspects of the death penalty presented over two years in panel discussions conducted by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. As Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says in the Preface, the information gathered makes a compelling case for moving away from the death penalty. The publication includes “Imposition of the Death Penalty Upon the Poor, Racial Minorities, the Intellectually Disabled and the Mentally Ill” by Stephen Bright( page 99).
- The Role of Race, Poverty, Intellectual Disability, and Mental Illness in the Decline of the Death Penalty
- S.B. Bright, 49 U. Richmond L. Rev. 671 (2015)
- Death Penalty and the Society We Want
- S.B. Bright, 6 Pierce L. Rev. 369 (2008)
- Failure to Achieve Fairness: Race and Poverty Continue to Influence Who Dies
- S.B. Bright, 11 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 23 (2008)
- Will the Death Penalty Remain Alive in the Twenty-First Century: International Norms, Discrimination, Arbitrariness, and the Risk of Executing the Innocent
- S.B. Bright, 2001 Wis. L. Rev. 1 (2001)
- Death in Texas - Not Even the Pretense of Fairness
- S.B. Bright, 23 Champion 1 (1999)
- Death Penalty as the Answer to Crime: Costly, Counterproductive and Corrupting
- S.B. Bright, 36 Santa Clara L. Rev. 1069 (1996)
- Conference: The Death Penalty in the Twenty-First Century
- 45 Am. U. L. Rev. 239 (1995)
- A conference made up of four panels and a keynote address by Stephen Bright, Capital Punishment and the Criminal Justice System: Courts of Vengeance or Courts of Justice? The panelists included Prof. Edward Chikofsky of Fordham Law School; Laurie Ekstrand and Harriet C. Ganson of the U.S. General Accounting Office; Paul Kramenar of the Washington Legal Foundation; attorney Robert E. Morin; William G. Otis, senior Litigation counsel in the Office of the Washington College of law of American University; attorney Douglas G. Robinson; Diann Rust-Tierney of the American Civil Liberties Union; former police office and school teacher Charles F. Shilling; Stateís Attorney Andrew L. Sonner of Montgomery County, Maryland; attorney Ronald J. Tabak; David Von Drehle of the Washington Post; and James Wootton of the Safe Streets Coalition.
Counsel - The Right to a Lawyer
- Fifty Years of Defiance and Resistance After Gideon v. Wainwright
- S.B. Bright; S.M. Sanneh, 122 Yale Law Journal (2013)
- Counsel for the Poor: The Death Sentence Not for the Worst Crime but for the Worst Lawyer
- S.B. Bright, 103 Yale L.J. 1835 (1994)
- Neither Equal Nor Just: The Rationing and Denial of Legal Services to the Poor When Life and Liberty Are at Stake Crisis in the Legal Profession: Rationing Legal Services for the Poor
- S.B. Bright, 1997 Ann. Surv. Am. L. 783 (1997)
- Independence of Counsel: An Essential Requirement for Competent Counsel and a Working Adversary System
- S.B. Bright, 55 Houston Law Review 853 (2018)
- Rigged: When Race and Poverty Determine Outcomes in the Criminal Courts
- S.B. Bright, 14 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 263 (2016)
- The Continuing Denial of Counsel and Assembly-Line Processing of Poor People Accused of Crimes
- S.B. Bright, 61 St. Louis University Law Journal 605 (2016-2017)
- Legal Representation for the Poor: Can Society Afford This Much Injustice
- S.B. Bright, 75 Mo. L. Rev. 683 (2010)
- Right to Counsel in Death Penalty and Other Criminal Cases: Neglect of the Most Fundamental Right and What We Should Do About It
- S.B. Bright, 11 J.L. Soc'y 1 (2010)
- Agitator of the Year: Efforts to Create a Public Defender System in Georgia
- T. Renaud, Fulton County Daily Report (2003)
- Published: December 3, 2003
- Turning Celebrated Principles into Reality
- S.B. Bright, 27 Champion 6 (2003)
- Exchange regarding representation of poor people accused of crimes in Georgia
- S.B. Bright; A.A. Mickle, Fulton County Daily Report (2008)
- Published: April 11, 2008.
- Death by Lottery–Procedural Bar of Constitutional Claims in Capital Cases Due to Inadequate Representation of Indigent Defendants
- S.B. Bright, 92 W. Va. L. Rev. (1990)
- Lecture on the Right to Counsel - Massive Indifference: Routine Violation of the Constitutional Right to Counsel in Death Penalty and Other Criminal Cases
- S.B. Bright (2011)
- Vanderbilt Law School, Nov. 9, 2011
Criminal Justice - Generally
- Is Fairness Irrelevant: The Evisceration of Federal Habeas Corpus Review and Limits on the Ability of State Courts to Protect Fundamental Rights Lecture
- S.B. Bright, 54 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1 (1997)
- Casualties of the War on Crime: Fairness, Reliability and the Credibility of Criminal Justice Systems essay
- S.B. Bright, 51 U. Miami L. Rev. 413 (1997)
- Electric Chair and the Chain Gang: Choices and Challenges for America’s Future Lecture
- S.B. Bright, 71 Notre Dame L. Rev. 845 (1996)
- Politics of Crime and the Death Penalty: Not Soft on Crime, but Hard on the Bill of Rights, The essay
- S.B. Bright, 39 St. Louis U. L.J. 479 (1992)
- In Defense of Life: Enforcing the Bill of Rights on Behalf of Poor, Minority and Disadvantaged Persons Facing the Death Penalty
- S.B. Bright, 57 Mo. L. Rev. 849 (1992)
Judicial Independence
- Judges and the Politics of Death: Deciding between the Bill of Rights and the Next Election in Capital Cases
- S.B. Bright; P.J. Keenan, 75 B.U. L. Rev. 759 (1995)
- Political Attacks on the Judiciary: Can Justice be Done Amid Efforts to Intimidate and Remove Judges from Office for Unpopular Decisions?
- S.B. Bright, 72 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 308 (1997)
- Elected Judges and the Death Penalty in Texas: Why Full Habeas Corpus Review by Independent Federal Judges Is Indispensable to Protecting Constitutional Rights Symposium: Restructuring Federal Courts
- S.B. Bright, 78 Tex. L. Rev. 1805 (2000)
- Can Judicial Independence be Attained in the South- Overcoming History, Elections, and Misconceptions about the Role of the Judiciary
- S.B. Bright, 14 Ga. St. U. L. Rev. 817 (1998)
- The Need for Timeliness and Independence to Ensure Fairness and the Appearance of Justice
- S.B. Bright; R. Guerra; M. Heiskell; R. Ellis, 42 S. Tex. L. Rev. 1015 (2001)
- Breaking the Most Vulnerable Branch: Do Rising Threats to Judicial Independence Preclude Due Process in Capital cases?
- S.B. Bright; C.F. Baird; G.H. Kendall; S.F. Hanlon; C.J. Ogletree; P.J. White, 31 Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 123 (1999)
Racial Discrimination
- Discrimination, Death and Denial: The Tolerance of Racial Discrimination in Infliction of the Death Penalty Symposium: The Death Penalty: Race, Poverty and Justice
- S.B. Bright, 35 Santa Clara L. Rev. 433 (1995)
- Term ‘boy’ is evidence of racial bias
- S.B. Bright, Fulton County Daily Report (2010)
- Oral Argument in Snyder v. Louisiana, United States Supreme Court
- S.B. Bright (2008)
- Supreme Court decision in Amadeo v. Zant (1988)
- 486 U.S. 241, 108 S. Ct. 1771 (1988)
- Oral Argument in Amadeo v. Zant, United States Supreme Court
- S.B. Bright (1987)