The New York Times today has an excellent article about the effects of foreclosure laws in Spain. In Spain, foreclosure and eviction do not terminate...
There are two new sets of images in the Rare Book Collection’s Flickr galleries: Tractatus iuris (1549) and Tractatus universi iuris (1584-86). Apart...
On Tuesday November 9th LexisNexis will host a webcast entitled Alternative and Pro Bono Career Exploration. In this webcast you will: Learn about Pro...
On Tuesday November 9th LexisNexis will host a webcast entitled Alternative and Pro Bono Career Exploration. In this webcast you will: Learn about Pro...
The November 2010 issue of Smithsonian magazine, available online, has a feature article, “ A Murder in Salem” by E.J. Wagner, on the notorious 1830...