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Sir Edward Coke (1552-1634), Les Reports de Edvvard Coke l’Attorney Generall le Roigne … (London, 1600?). Sir Edward Coke’s Reports are perhaps the...
Edmund Plowden (1518-1585), Les Commentaries, ou Reportes de Edmunde Plowden un Apprentice de le Comen Ley (London, 1571) [with] La Second Part de les...
[Year Book, 27 Henry VIII.] De termino Pasche anno regni Regis Henrici Octaui. XXVII (London, 1556). Printers began publishing Year Book cases in the...
[Year Books, 20-45 Edward III.] Liber Assisarum (manuscript in Law French, ca. 1450). The origin of our case reports lies in the late 13th century...
Rare Books Blog
Case reports are a fundamental source for the study and practice of law in the Anglo-American common law system. “Landmarks in Law Reporting,” the...