Authority, Obedience, & Social Pressure: Notes from the Stanley Milgram Exhibit

In honor of the Conference on the Legacy of Stanley Milgram, to be held at Yale Law School on October 26, 2013, we are pleased to present Authority, Obedience, & Social Pressure: The Legacy of Stanley Milgram at Yale University and Yale Law School in the L3 Reading Room.
The exhibit showcases reproductions of hundreds of Milgram’s letters to colleagues, drawings, manuscript pages, and more, including:
The exhibit also explores the research of Yale President and Chris Argyris Professor of Psychology, Peter Salovey; Macklin Fleming Professor of Law and Professor of Psychology, Tom Tyler; Elizabeth K. Dollard Professor of Law and Professor of Psychology, Dan Kahan; and Walton Hale Hamilton Professor of Law, Tracey Meares.
Panel 2 of the exhibit features selected quotes and illustrations from president Salovey and professor Tyler’s work:
Panel 3 of the exhibit features selected quotes and illustrations from professors Kahan and Meares’ work:
Adjacent to the main display case is “Milgram’s Library Carrel,” an imagined space that showcases books Milgram might have used while at Yale and Harvard, and hundreds of reproduced documents like the above examples.
To read more about Stanley Milgram’s work or his impact on the field of social psychology, visit the exhibit library guide at: