Bloomberg Training for Upper Classmen

Event location: 

Location of the class varies by date (see below)

Event time: 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011 - 1:10pm - 4:00pm

Event time: 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011 - 10:10am - 2:00pm

As a student at Yale Law School, you have free and unlimited access to Bloomberg Law. Learn how this service integrates comprehensive federal and state legal authority (including dockets) with Bloomberg's proprietary news and company information in one place.      

Register for the program here.  Classes last approximately 50 minutes and start every hour.  Location of the class varies by date:
November 9, 2011 - SLB 129
December 7, 2011 - SLB 122

If you did not receive your Bloomberg Law email, please contact Pamela Haahr.

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