Bruce Ackerman
The Decline and Fall of the American Republic
Wednesday, October 20, at 6:00 p.m.
Labyrinth Books
290 York St., New Haven, CT
The Lillian Goldman Law Library invites you to a discussion of an important and alarming new book by Professor Bruce Ackerman, with commentary by Professor Stephen Skowronek.
In The Decline and Fall of the American Republic, Bruce Ackerman shows how institutional dynamics of the last half-century have transformed the American presidency into a potential platform for political extremism and lawlessness and proposes a series of reforms that will minimize the risks going forward. Learn more from the author and commentary provided by Professor Stephen Skowronek at the upcoming book discussion being held at Labyrinth Books and sponsored by the Lillian Goldman Law Library.
Bruce Ackerman is the Sterling Professor of Law and Political Science at Yale and the author of numerous books that have had a broad influence in political philosophy, constitutional law and public policy.
Stephen Skowronek is the Pelatiah Perit Professor of Political and Social Science and Acting Chair of the Yale Political Science Department. He is the author of numerous books and an expert on the American presidency.