Congressional Record on your iPad

The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) and the Library of Congress have teamed up in the creation of a new iPad application (app) that provides users with mobile access to the daily Congressional Record.  The link for the new app is here or you can search in the App Store for "The Congressional Record."

The Congressional Record is the official compilation of the proceedings and debates of Congress.  GPO makes this publication available everyday that Congress is in session in print form and online. The Law Library subscribes to the Congressional Record in various formats, see our Legislative History Guide for more information.

Predecessors to the Congressional Record are the  Annals of Congress  (1789 - 1824),  Register of debates (1824 - 1837), and the Congressional Globe (1833 – 1873). These are all available in the Library of Congress' web collection, A Century of Lawmaking, Proquest Congressional and in HeinOnline.

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