Fundamentals of Treaty Research

Fundamentals of Treaty Research
3:10 pm, SLB 109, Wednesday, October 29, 2014
This Wednesday, October 29, in SLB 109, join Ryan Harrington, Head of Reference and Specialist in Foreign & International Law for a research workshop covering aspects of public, international, legal research including how to locate treaties, signatories and any reservations, declarations and understandings that may be attached to the treaty. The workshop will also address bilateral treaties, focusing specifically on investment treaties. Attendees will be exposed to both open access and subscription databases for the Yale community.
This workshop is open to all Yale Law Students and no RSVP is required.
This workshop is offered as part of the weekly Research Skills Series, held every Wednesday at 3:10 pm in Room 110 (unless otherwise noted). Other workshops include
November 5, Researching Statutory Law, with Julie Graves Krishnaswami, Head of Research Instruction
November 12, Researching Legislative History with Mike VanderHeijden, Faculty Services Librarian
November 19, Preemption Checking, with Evelyn Ma, Reference Librarian for Foreign & International Law
Please contact Julie Graves Krishnaswami with questions.
2014-15 Research Skills Series
Reference and Instruction Department
Lillian Goldman Law Library