Haiti: the Impact of the Haitian Earthquake on its Libraries: A Report from the Ground

Professor Patrick Weil 
Maurice R. Greenberg Visiting Professor of Law, Yale Law School
President, Libraries without Borders 

Haiti:  the Impact of the Haitian Earthquake on its Libraries:  A Report from the Ground

Thursday, December 2, 2010
3:00 p.m.
Sterling Memorial Library
Lecture Hall
120 High Street
New Haven, Connecticut 

It’s been nearly a year since a catastrophic earthquake struck Haiti, indiscriminately destroying lives and cultural institutions, including its libraries.   Libraries Without Borders already was working to assist in the development of Haitian libraries prior to the earthquake and was among the first responders to this crisis.  Most of the public libraries buildings and/or collections have been seriously affected by the earthquake. The cultural and educational structures in the capital have largely been destroyed.

Libraries Without Borders with the support of many partners, is leading an international effort to save and rebuild the collections and to develop new libraries. 

Learn more about the state of recovery and what still needs to be done from the President of Libraries Without Borders, Patrick Weil, Visiting Professor of Law, at Yale Law School.

Patrick Weil is Visiting Professor of Law and Robina Foundation International Fellow at Yale Law School and a senior research fellow at the French National Research Center in the University of Paris, Pantheon-Sorbonne. 

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