HeinOnline's new United Nations Law Collection

HeinOnline is a subscription database collection available to the Yale community.*
HeinOnline's United Nations Law Collection will allow you
to access UN research materials quickly and easily using the Finding Aids
available from the collection home page.
The Finding Aids include the ability to:
- Find and retrieve a UN Treaty by entering the UNTS Citation
- Search for
a UN Treaty by treaty/registration number, country, short title, popular name
and more - Search by
subject, as all treaties have been assigned a Kavass Subject - Find and
link directly to law review articles that cite a UN Treaty
Hein has also developed user guides, video tutorials,
FAQ’s, and more. Training Resources Include:
- Quick
Reference Guide (PDF format): https://heinonline.org/HeinDocs/UN_QuickRefGuide.pdf - Video
Tutorial: https://www.screencast.com/t/JN7N3S57 - United
Nations Law Collection Wiki Page: https://heinonline.org/wiki/index.php/HeinOnlineLibSpec:United_Nations
The United Nations Law Collection Wiki page contains
links to the Quick Reference Guide, Video Tutorial, FAQs, How-To information,
search examples, and more!
Hein further invites users to collaborate and join in discussions via HeinOnline’s 2.0 Community.
Friend Hein on Facebook, collaborate on Hein's Wiki, subscribe to Hein's Blog,
watch Hein on YouTube, or follow Hein on Twitter!
Visit Hein at https://heinonline.org/home/training/Educational_Resources.html
to find out more about our virtual community.
*In order to access HeinOnline and other Yale subscription database from
off-campus, you must be connected to the Yale network via VPN.