Human Rights Day 2011

Teresa Miguel-Stearns

This coming Saturday will be Human Rights Day 2011.  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the milestone document which spells out the fundamental human rights to be universally protected, was adopted 63 years ago on December 10th, 1948, by the United Nations General Assembly. Since then it has been translated into some 380 languages and dialects.  Under the theme "Celebrate Human Rights", Human Rights Day events at the UN this year include a special social media campaign built around the important document in the history of human rights.

Currently on display in the Foreign and International Law Collection on L1 of the Law Library are selective works by our faculty, alumni and affiliates on a variety of topics relating to global human rights issues. Here is a sampling of their works:

McDougal, Lasswell and Chen, Human Rights and World Public Order: the Basic Policies of an International Law of Human Dignity

Eichensehr and Reisman, Stopping Wars and Making Peace: Studies in International Intervention

Koh and Slye, Deliberative Democracy and Human Rights

Koh and Hathaway, Foundations of International Law and Politics

Shapiro and Brilmayor, Global Justice

Hess and Post, Human Rights in Political Transitions: Gettysburg to Bosnia

Resnik and Benhabib, Migrations and Mobilities: Citizenship, Borders, and Gender

Popkin and Silk, Civil patrols and their legacy : overcoming militarization and polarization in the Guatemalan countryside

Wildhaber, European Court of Human Rights, 1998-2006 : history, achievements, reform

Abrams, Kampuchea, after the worst : a report on current violations of human rights

Guinier, Lift every voice : turning a civil rights setback into a new vision of social justice

Danner, Stripping bare the body : politics, violence, war

Kiernan, Blood and soil

Shattuck, Freedom on Fire

Schell, Mandate of heaven : a new generation of entrepreneurs, dissidents, bohemians, and technocrats lays claim to China's future



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