K = Law: Kafka and the law

Teresa Miguel-Stearns

When the Studia Humanitatis were created as a separate discipline in 14th century Italy, they were meant as both an aid and challenge to the already established professional subjects of theology, medicine, art, and law. This is still the case today.

The exhibit on Law Library Level 1, K = Law: Kafka and the Law, is our initial effort to raise awareness of law as a multidisciplinary sphere of study. We hope that our visual approach will unleash the imagination, invite critical views, and further our educational mission.


Generally, we are focusing on foreign law and humanities; precisely, we are exploring connections between law and such humanistic disciplines as literature, philosophy, and history. We will present scholars and writers whose work had crucial influence in the relations between law and humanities.

This blog serves as a continuation of our existing presentation on Franz Kafka which is currently on display in the Foreign and International section of the library on L1.

You might explore Kafka and the Law by reading these books.


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                                                                                                                        Barbara Olszowa

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