Circulation, Interlibrary Loan, Borrow Direct, Scanning and Delivery services will all be closed from December 24th - January 1st. Please plan ahead, and make any requests you need in good time. Self-check and scanning machines will still be available when the library is open during the holiday period (December 26th - 31st.)
Between December 20, 2013 and January 2, 2014, inclusive, there will be Reference Service at the following times and in the following manners:
December 20: reference desk will be staffed until 12 noon.
December 21 and 22: no reference.
December 23: reference desk will be staffed until 5 pm.
December 24 and 25: no reference.
December 26 and 27: the reference email address (lawref@pantheon.yale.edu) will be checked daily and every effort will be made to respond within 24 hours of the receipt of the message.
December 28 and 29: no reference.
December 30: the reference email address (lawref@pantheon.yale.edu) will be checked and every effort will be made to respond within 24 hours of the receipt of the message.
December 31 and January 1: no reference.
January 2: regular hours resume.
Ho Ho Ho!