Library Tip: Yale workshops on R, SPSS, MATLAB, and Stata


Dear Students:

The Yale StatLab has finalized the schedule for its spring 2018 semester series of workshops, including beginner and intermediate sessions on R, SPSS, MATLAB, and Stata. These workshops will be useful to you if you’re currently undertaking any empirical research or doing work involving any data manipulation and analysis. All workshops are open to everyone, and registration is encouraged. 

For more information and to register, see the StatLab Spring 2018 workshop listings.

To keep up with StatLab news and events, sign up for the new StatLab newsletter.

If a workshop you’re interested in isn’t being offered this semester, you might be interested in the StatLab’s archive of past workshop materials.

Feel free to contact our Empirical Services Librarian, Michelle Hudson with any questions.

Thank you!

Your Law Library

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