New Foreign Law E-Resources

Teresa Miguel-Stearns

The Law Library has subscriptions to four new e-resources from LexisNexis:

EU Tracker
EU Tracker tracks the implementation of key EU Directives across 20 Member States in 10 practice areas.  There are links to consultation papers, draft legislation and the eventual national implementing legislation of member States.  It is a unique monitoring and analysis tool for lawyers, PSLs and information managers.

This database contains French-language legal information: legislation, regulations and case law. It also gives access to a great volume of secondary legal sources and expert analysis.

LexisNexis China Law Database
The LexisNexis China Law Database (LNCHNL) is an authoritative collection of Chinese laws, regulations, tax information, judicial decisions, and other legal documents, collected from government sources, and translated by LexisNexis China Online (COL) in Beijing.

Quicklaw is a Canadian electronic legal research database that provides court decisions from all levels, news reports, provincial and federal statutes, journals, and other legal commentary. It also offers a case citator and case digests.

They are accessible on the Yale network and username/password are not required to log in. For a list of legal databases subscribed by the law library see here.

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