New International Law Encyclopedia

Teresa Miguel-Stearns

A major work on international law has recently been added to the Yale Law Library collection, a six volume encyclopedia simply entitled International Law. This publication is part of Routledge’s Critical Concepts encyclopedic series. Other Critical Concepts in Law encyclopedias in the collection  include Feminist Legal Studies and Law and Economics, while Law and Institutions of Modern China is on order.

The editors, Joseph Weiler and Alan T. Nissel have created an anthology of articles covering both traditional and more contemporary approaches to international law. They have organized their work into the following sections:

Volume One “An Overview of the System” (The Politics of International Law, History of International Law, The Concept of International Law, International Law and Its Self-Identity, International Governance and Global Administrative Law;

Volumes Two and Three “Fundamentals of International Law,”  International Law Making and the Sources of International Law, International Personality: States, International Personality: Real and Other Legal Persons, Territory, Sovereignty and Self-Determination; the Relationship Between Domestic and International Law, Jurisdiction, Dispute Resolution, State Responsibility for Violations of International Law, Democracy, Legitimacy and Pluralism;

Volume Four “International Law in and of Peace,” International Institutional Law, Law of the Sea, International Environmental Law, International Economic Law, Protection of Private Investments Under Public International Law, Social Dimension of International Law, Human Rights, Consular Law and Diplomatic Immunity, Neutrality;

Volume Five “International Law in and of War,” When States Go to War, Conquest and Occupation, Proxy-Wars, Terrorism and Non-State Actors, International Humanitarian and Criminal Law, Weapons of Mass Destruction;

Volume Six “International Law and” the Other, Economics, Literature, Phiosophy, Politics, Psychology, Religion, and Sociology. There is an index to the set in the back of volume six.

Articles of Yale Law School Faculty found in the encyclopedia include Myres S. McDougal, Harold D. Lasswell, and W. Michael Reisman, “The World Constitutive Process of Authoritative Decisions,” (Volume Two); Harold Hongju Koh, “Transnational Legal Process: The 1994 Roscoe Pound Lecture,” (Volume Two); and W. Michael Reisman, “The Resistance in Afghanistan is Engaged in a War of National Liberation: Editorial Statement,” (Volume Five).

Written by Daniel L. Wade

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