Oct. 2nd: Prof. Paul Kahn book talk at Labyrinth Books

On Thursday, October 2nd at 5:30pm, Labyrinth Books on York Street in New Haven will host a conversation between YLS professors Paul Kahn and Robert Post about political violence and Prof. Kahn's latest book, Sacred Violence: Torture, Terror, and Sovereignty. Labyrinth provides the following summary of the book:

In Sacred Violence, the distinguished political and legal theorist Paul W. Kahn investigates the reasons for the resort to violence characteristic of premodern states. In a startling argument, he contends that law will never offer an adequate account of political violence. Instead, we must turn to political theology, which reveals that torture and terror are, essentially, forms of sacrifice. Kahn forces us to acknowledge what we don't want to see: that we remain deeply committed to a violent politics beyond law.

The Yale Law Library is a co-sponsor of this event. 

For more information, visit the Labyrinth Books website

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