Oral Arguments for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

March 26, 2012: Anti-Injunction Act
Department of Health and Human Servs. v. Florida 
Transcript, Oral Argument, S.Ct. Docket

March 27, 2012: Minimum Coverage/Mandate
Department of Health and Human Servs. v. Florida
Transcript, Oral Argument, S.Ct. Docket

March 28, 2012: Medicaid
Department of Health and Human Servs. v. Florida
Transcript, Oral Argument, S. Ct. Docket

March 28, 2012: Severability
Nat'l Fed. of Ind. Business v. Sebelius
Transcript, Oral Argument, S.Ct. Docket

A copy of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is available to read online or in print.  A great summary of the legislation is available in the CRS Report, ACA: A Brief Overview of the Law, Implementation, and Legal Challenges (Mar. 23, 2012). The 11th Cir. Opinion and the related docket information is also available online through PACER: 11-11021, 11-11067, N.D. Florida (Pensacola) 3:10-cv-91

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