Research Workshop: Navigating the Library Catalogs and Website Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Navigating the Library Catalogs and Website
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Wednesday, September 24 at 3:10 pm, join Jordan Jefferson, Reference Librarian, for a fifty-minute session on how to use Morris, the Yale Law Library catalog, and Orbis, the Yale University catalog as well as the libraries’ websites. Jordan will show you how to find anything using the catalog and website!
This workshop is offered as part of the weekly Research Skills Series, held every Wednesday at 3:10 pm in Room 110. October’s workshops in the series include,
October 1, What is Boolean Searching? with John Nann, Associate Librarian for Reference and Instruction
October 8, Researching with Westlaw Next, with Holly Rush, Westlaw Representative
October 15, Researching with (the New) Lexis Advanced, with Mer Shuman Casale, Lexis Representative
October 22, Researching Case Law, with Sarah Ryan, Empirical Research Librarian
October 29, Researching with Bloomberg Law, with Jed Lewin, Bloomberg Representative
Please contact Julie Graves Krishnaswami with questions. No RSVP required.
2014-15 Research Skills Series
Reference and Instruction Department
Lillian Goldman Law Library