Researching with the New Lexis Advance

Researching with the New Lexis Advance
3:10 pm, Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 15, 2014, at 3:10 pm, in SLB Room 110, join Meredith Shuman Casale, Lexis Representative for an introduction to researching on the new Lexis Advance Research System. This workshop will focus on Shepardizing, researching statutes, and locating specialty treatises.
This workshop is open to all students, and no RSVP is required. Desserts will be served.
This workshop is offered as part of the weekly Research Skills Series, held every Wednesday at 3:10 pm in Room 110. Upcoming workshops include
October 22, Researching Case Law, with Sarah Ryan, Empirical Research Librarian
October 29, Researching with Bloomberg Law, with Jed Lewin, Bloomberg Representative
October 28, Fundamentals of Treaty Research, with Ryan Harrington, Foriegn and International Law Librarian (SLB Room 109)
Please contact Julie Graves Krishnaswami with questions.
2014-15 Research Skills Series
Reference and Instruction Department
Lillian Goldman Law Library