This year’s Bernstein Symposium, Beyond Kiobel: Human Rights and Corporate Liability in the 21st Century, held last week, explored how the legal framework of international human rights law has evolved to make possible holding corporations accountable for abuses they perpetrate through the application of the Alien Torts Statute (ATS). Just this past Wednesday the US Supreme Court has held that such claims will generally not be allowed under the ATS if they concern conduct occurring in the territory of a foreign sovereign and the presumption against extraterritoriality is to be applied.
The Law Library eYLS Documents Collection includes digitized sources cited in the Supplemental Brief filed by the Yale Law School Center for Global Legal Challenges in support of the petitioners in Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. The Foreign and International Collection on L1 of the Law Library has also mounted a new display of print sources relating to issues revolving around the intersection of international human rights law and corporate complicit liability.
For additional print sources available at the law library:
On Alien Tort Statute and international human rights:
Corporations and human rights : an analysis of ATCA litigation against corporations / Niels Beisinghoff. 2009
Human rights and the alien tort statute : law, history, and analysis / Peter Henner. 2009
Corporate responsibility under the Alien Tort Statute : enforcement of international law through US torts law / by Michael Koebele. 2009.
International human rights litigation in U.S. courts / Beth Stephens … [et al.]. 2008.
Accountability for human rights atrocities in international law: beyond the Nuremberg legacy / Steven R. Ratner, Jason S. Abrams. 2008.
Justice across borders : the struggle for human rights in U.S. courts / Jeffrey Davis. 2008.
Tort liability for human rights abuses / George P. Fletcher. 2008.
On Extraterritoriality:
Extraterritoriality and collective redress / edited by Duncan Fairgrieve & Eva Lein. 2012.
The extraterritorial application of selected human rights treaties / by Karen da Costa. 2013.
Global justice, state duties : the extraterritorial scope of economic, social, and cultural rights in international law / edited by Malcolm Langford … [et al.]. 2013.
Beyond territoriality : transnational legal authority in an age of globalization / edited by Günther Handl, Joachim Zekoll and Peer Zumbansen. 2013.
The reach of human rights in a globalising world : extraterritorial application of human rights treaties / Michał Gondek. 2009
On Corporate complicity liability:
Beyond corporate social responsibility : oil multinationals and social challenges / Jedrzej George Frynas. 2012.
Corporate liability : a study in principles of attribution / Cheong-Ann Png. 2001.
Towards corporate liability in International criminal law / Desislava Stoitchkova. 2010.
Corporate crime and civil liability / Gordon E. Kaiser. 2012.
Transnational corporations and international law : accountability in the global business environment / Alice De Jonge. 2011.
Directors’ liability and indemnification : a global guide / consulting editor, Edward Smerdon. 2011.
Environmental crimes and corporate responsibility : a legal research guide / by Heather Bryn Hersh. 2001.
Free Burma : transnational legal action and corporate accountability / John G. Dale. 2011.
Civil actions for uncivilized acts : the adjudicative jurisdiction of common law courts in transnational human rights proceedings / François Larocque
Business and human rights : a compilation of documents / edited by Radu Mares.
On UN Guiding Principles of Human Rights and Business:
The UN guiding principles on business and human rights : foundations and implementation / edited by Radu Mares. 2012.
On Corporate Social Responsibility:
Corporate social responsibility : a research handbook / edited by Kathryn Haynes, Alan Murray and Jesse Dillard. 2013.
Corporate social responsibility : the corporate governance of the 21st century / general editor, Ramon Mullerat. 2011.
Corporate social responsibility : the limits and dangers with corporate codes of conduct / Setareh Korkchi. 2008.
Corporate social responsibility of multinational corporations in developing countries : perspectives on anti-corruption / Adefolake O. Adeyeye. 2012.
International corporate social responsibility : the role of corporations in the economic order of the 21st century / Ramon Mullerat. 2010.
The dynamics of corporate social responsibilities / by Radu Mares. 2008.
The Oxford handbook of corporate social responsibility / edited by Andrew Crane … [et al.] 2008-
The Ashgate research companion to corporate social responsibility / edited by David Crowther, Nicholas Capaldi. 2008.
Multinationals and corporate social responsibility : limitations and opportunities in international law / Jennifer A. Zerk. 2006.
Subject Headings to search in Morris and WorldCat:
- Social responsibility of business
- International business enterprises – Law and legislation
- Tort liability of corporations
- Torts (International Law)
- Criminal liability of juristic persons.
- Profit – Moral and ethical aspects
- Corporate governance – Law and legislation
- Exterritoriality
- Conflict of laws-Jurisdiction