If you’re working on a paper, this event may interest you.

Room 127 will be reserved for the entire day--on Saturday, March 27--so that YLS students can work on their academic papers.  The event (known as SATURDAY’S AWESOME WRITING SESSION) will run from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., making it a great opportunity to tame your SAWs, substantials, or course-papers.

The event will provide you with a supportive, quiet workspace and the company of other writers.  And food.  And, if you want it, advice:  writing advisers (Harrison & Messing) and research experts (Eiseman, Harrington, Nann & Tubbs) will take shifts to help you organize, write, hone, explore, and substantiate your ideas.  Associate Deans Megan Barnett and Sharon Brooks will also be available for part of the day to offer advice and support.

Room 129 will serve as the break-room where you can rest, unwind, talk about your paper, and grab some food.

One graduate student who attended a similar program for dissertation writers commented that this event "got all of the elements just right: The atmosphere was quiet, people were really focused, there was plenty of space to spread out, and drinks and snacks were provided. Also, there's something to be said for being around other people who are writing too: If everyone else is concentrating hard, you get caught up in your work."  Another student said, "I left encouraged and excited to continue with my work--and with a sense of accomplishment."

Almost sixty law students attended this event last year.

You can come for all or part of the day.  Bring a laptop and whatever research-materials you need.  And brace yourself to be amazed by how much progress you can make in one day of focused work.

If you want to attend all or part of “SATURDAY’S AWESOME WRITING SESSION” on March 27, please R.S.V.P. to, so that we can order the right amount of food.

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