Summer Access to Westlaw, Lexis Advance and Bloomberg Law



Continuing Students

Continuing students automatically get FULL access all year-round (180 hours per month). You do not have to do anything to gain access over the summer.

Please be reminded that the academic use restriction applies to summer access.  Permissible uses include:

·        Summer coursework

·        Research assistant assignments

·        Law Review or Journal research

·        Moot Court research

·        Non-Profit work

·        Clinical work

·        Internship/Externship sponsored by the school

Graduating Students

Graduating students may extend access through the Grad Elite program. Registered students will get 60 hours per month full access for 6 months post-graduation through November 30th, 2020.  Please look for additional information about the Grad Elite program under your account name (top right corner) after you log in to Westlaw.

For questions, please contact Holly Rush, our Westlaw Representative,


Continuing Students

Continuing students will have unlimited Lexis Advance access this summer.  Registration is not required and there are no restrictions on the use of their law school IDs during the summer months.

Graduating Students

Graduating students will have access through December 31st, 2020.  Please register for Lexis ASPIRE Program, which will permit job-related access to Lexis Advance for the duration of the public interest work.

For questions, please contact Kauther Badr, our LexisNexis Representative,


All registered students will have unlimited Bloomberg Law access during summer. Graduating students will have unlimited Bloomberg Law through June 1, 2021, Registration is not required.

For questions, please contact Bloomberg Law Representative, Warda Khan,

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