Thinking About Writing a Law Review Note or Comment? Submitting a Paper for Publication?

If you attended the Yale Law Journal’s presentation on writing a student note or comment and are motivated to transform your ideas into a publishable, scholarly work, the Library has resources to help.
Once you have a topic, but before you dive into your researching, outlining, and writing, conduct a pre-emption check. Use the Library’s Research Guide on pre-emption checking to ensure you’ve checked the right sources.
Think about setting up a meeting with a Reference Librarian. Request an appointment here, visit the reference desk, or email any of us directly (we have specialties).
Finally, we have some excellent books on scholarly writing in our collection:
Scholarly writing : ideas, examples, and execution, Jessica L. Clark, Kristen E. Murray (2012). Reference Collection KF250 .C528X 2012.
Scholarly writing for law students : seminar papers, law review notes and law review competition papers, Elizabeth Fajans, Mary R. Falk (2011). Library Level 5 KF250 .F35 2011.
A short guide to writing about law, Katie Rose Guest Pryal (2011). Library Level 5 KF250 .P79X 2011. This book is intended for non-lawyers so it may be especially useful for JSD students or 1Ls, who are new to the law.
Good luck with your research and writing and have fun.