Tip of the Week- Empirical Legal Research Support

Liliane McClenning

Did you know that your Lillian Goldman Law Library supports empirical legal research from start to finish?

For those beginning their statistical training at YLS offers one-on-one consultations with an empirical research librarian. This spring, we will be offering a 1-unit (credit/no credit) course entitled Empirical Legal Research. It will meet the second-half of the semester, on Fridays at 1:10pm.

We can also help you find data and statistics; get licensed copies of software (e.g., ArcGIS, Stata); navigate Yale’s Institutional Review Board process; learn about opportunities to present and publish your empirical work locally, nationally, and internationally; and develop your data management plan. Our Yale Law School Legal Scholarship Repository can publish and host your dataset in nearly any format. We are also in-the-know about empirical legal studies fellowships and grants.

We encourage law students to consult us early and often for assistance with empirical legal research. Appointments with the empirical research librarian are not required, but are highly recommended for scheduling purposes. Contact Michelle Hudson by email at michelle.hudson@yale.edu to request an appointment, seek assistance in finding data, or ask about empirical legal studies publishing and funding opportunities.

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