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Rare Books Blog
‘Tis the season for making lists. One popular way of taking stock of the past year is through lists of the year’s “greatest hits.” My colleague Fred...
Rare Books Blog
In this Thanksgiving season, one recent gift the Lillian Goldman Law Library is thankful for is a pair of books that were part of the Yale Law School...
Rare Books Blog
A selection of guidebooks for students engaged in the study of the law. Thomas Lane. The student’s guide through Lincoln’s Inn. 3rd edition. London...
Rare Books Blog
A selection legal dictionaries and grammar books. Repertorium aureum continens titulos quinque librorum Decretalium, sive Concordantiae utriusque...
Rare Books Blog
A selection student notebooks and marginalia Imperatoris Iustiniani Institutionum libri IV. Amsterdam: Joan & Cornelis Blaeu, 1642. This copy of...