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The 9 th Annual Conference on Empirical Legal Studies will be held at Boalt Hall in Berkeley, California on November 7-8, 2014. As in the past, CELS...
Under the law school’s LexisNexis subscription, YLS students, faculty and staff now have access to Law360, an online legal newsletter service for...
Foreign and International Blog
It was 3:00 PM on an early June afternoon. Smiley was 49 years old, married, and the father of a five-year old boy. He was standing in the first-floor...
“The Common Law Epitomiz’d: Anthony Taussig’s Law Books” is the latest exhibit from the Yale Law Library’s Rare Book collection. It showcases the Law...
I write to share the exciting news that there is a new title in the US Code. Title 52 reclassifies the voting and election sections of Titles 2 and 42...