Government Shutdown; Research Full Steam Ahead!

—Update, Oct. 4th,,, and FDsys are up and running. The Library of Congress site is working, for now. Some materials are not being updated on these sites, so use with caution.—
The federal government has shut down. Millions are affected, and researchers are not immune. The Library of Congress has ceased many operations, as have other federal research centers and libraries (e.g., the George Bush Presidential Library). is down, as is the Bureau of Economic Analysis site.
Across campus, librarians are circulating information about federal sites that remain open to researchers. For instance, Stacey Maples, GIS Specialist, suggests that you use Yale’s SimplyMap account to access the past 20 years of Census data, or Yale’s Social Explorer database to access Census data back to the 1970s. You will need to have a Yale IP address (i.e., be on campus or signed in remotely via VPN) to access these resources.
If you cannot access the research sites and sources you need, please contact us for assistance. We will do all that we can to help keep your research moving full steam ahead!
Image: Niki Saint Phalle, Queen Califia’s Magical Circle Garden (Escondido, CA): Yelling Man Totem, frontal view looking south into the open mouth. Yale Digital Images Collection.