Researching Race & Social Justice: Resources in the Yale Library System

There are thousands of resources at Yale to support your research on historical and contemporary race and social justice issues in the U.S. and beyond.
The Lillian Goldman Law Library holds hundreds of social justice titles, including seminal works in critical race theory, feminist theory, queer theory, and more. A list of key titles appends our 2013 blog on critical race theory: /news/critical-race-theory-resources-yls
Sterling Memorial Library provides all campus users with access to tens of thousands of pages of NAACP papers and to historical records such as the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on the nomination of Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court (including a discussion of his activities as director of the NAACP Legal and Educational Defense Fund)
The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library maintains a renowned collection of African American Studies papers, manuscripts, and rare books.
Whether your social justice research is historical or contemporary, local or global, we are here to help! Please contact us to schedule a research consultation.