Posts in 'Rare Books'

Rare Books Blog
A selection of guidebooks for students engaged in the study of the law. Thomas Lane. The student’s guide through Lincoln’s Inn. 3rd edition. London...
Rare Books Blog
A selection legal dictionaries and grammar books. Repertorium aureum continens titulos quinque librorum Decretalium, sive Concordantiae utriusque...
Rare Books Blog
A selection student notebooks and marginalia Imperatoris Iustiniani Institutionum libri IV. Amsterdam: Joan & Cornelis Blaeu, 1642. This copy of...
Rare Books Blog
A selection of works which use various visual devices (charts, illustrations, diagrams…) to present information in interesting ways Giovanni d’Andrea...
Rare Books Blog
In Sir Thomas Littleton’s (1407-1481) time, materials for the study of law were scarce. Littleton orginally wrote the Tenures in order to help his son...
Amistad, The Search for a New Haven: Abolition, Freedom, and the Law In Honor of Black History Month February 10th @ 6:00PM, Rare Book Room| 6:30PM...
The Rare Book Collection welcomes students back to YLS! Some students come to the Rare Book Room on L2 to research historical topics; some are doing...